The students and staff of Sacred Heart Villa will participate in a Fall Collaboration Day in the morning on Wednesday, September 22nd. Patti Huelsman, our Pre-K 1 teacher is organizing the event with the input from other lead teachers. While maintaining a social distance from other classes, each group of students will be given the opportunity to utilize several learning centers while outdoors on the Villa's property. Each center will have a connection to nature. For example, one center will feature materials to do leaf rubbings. In another place, the children will encounter a leaf letter activity. There will be leaves with single alphabet letters on them for the children to rake and play a game for their skill level: match the same upper-case letters to lower case letters; finding the letters in their name or see how many words the children can create. Another center will be an activity to dress up a boy or girl and add facial features with natural materials collected outside. There will be a story telling section featuring stories about exploring nature and the fall season. Additional stations will focus on Math skills like counting and graphing. The Villa has had a nature collaboration day in the fall and spring the past several years. We hope these activities in the outdoors will help to instill a love and appreciation for the earth and the beauty of God's creation.