School Registration

New Student Registration

At this time, Sacred Heart Villa has space available for 3 and 4 year olds whose birthday is by August 1st. Our two-year-old program has two openings at this time.

Parents who are interested in having their child attend Sacred Heart Villa may begin the process by reading the following information:

After careful study and taking in all that Sacred Heart Villa has to offer your child: (a hot, homecooked lunch, two snacks, morning and afternoon, opportunity to make use of before and after care), the annual tuition for the coming school year, 2024-2025 will be:

Toddler Program 4 days: $1260 (monthly)

Toddler Program 5 days: $1470 (monthly)

PreK 3 and PreK 4 Program 4 days: $1175 (monthly)

PreK 3 & PreK 4 Program 5 days: $1325.00 (monthly)

Children entering Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 must be potty trained.

To begin the Registration, the two forms must be competed and submitted.

New Student Registration Form

Tuition Enrollment Form