Donating to Sacred Heart Villa

Sacred Heart Villa welcomes your opportunity to contribute to our mission to “Spread the Love of the Heart of Christ” as we minister to God’s precious children. We greatly appreciate your prayerful consideration of donating to our school. We invite you to invest yourself in our mission through the resources you have to impart. You can choose to donate by mail or via this website. Below is a link to our secure online-payment page. You may want to consider joining our Giving Club.
Donate online: To make a gift using MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover Card, click the donate button. A one-time gift or installments can be arranged for your gift to be made in recurring credit card installments.
85th Anniversary Donor
Sacred Heart Club $200 or more a month
Immaculate Mary’s Club $100 – 199 a month
Blessed Clelia’s Club $50 – 99 a month
Sister Felicetta's Club $10 - 49 a month
Respond by mail: Mail checks (made payable to Sacred Heart Villa) to:
Sacred Heart Villa
2108 Macklind Avenue
St. Louis, Mo 63110
Planned Giving: Will you consider making a lasting impression in the form of a planned gift? These include securities, bequests (wills, living trusts, IRAs, 401(k)s, life insurance), charitable gift annuity, matching gifts, and endowments.
Click on donate below to make your contribution.
Sacred Heart Villa thanks you for your generosity.
Make Your Gift