Gearing Up for the New School Year

Posted on August 09, 2021 in: General News

Gearing Up for the New School Year

     This week, Sacred Heart Villa's staff will be very busy getting ready for the start of a new school year. All teachers will be preparing their classrooms for their new strudents. Like last year, we are keeping open spaces in our classrooms so the students will be able to spread out more. Wednesday evening, August 11th we will have a Meet n' Greet session for the parents. Our parents have received notice of 10 minute time slots to visit the classroom where they can meet their child's teacher and drop off supplies. Many parents have expressed an interest to be able to see the classrooms and meet the teachers before the start of school. On Thursday, August 12th the staff will have meetings prepared by Kris Doder and Sr. Alice in preparation for school. They will also participate in a presentation on health and wellness. Then on Friday, the staff will participate in a day of prayer presented by Sr. Bridget to help set the tone for the new school year. We all look forward to welcoming the students back on Monday, August 16th. 
