On Thursday evening, May 27th we will be witnessing the graduation of our 81st class from Sacred Heart Villa. Our graduation ceremony will take place on the front lawn of the school with ten graduating kindergartners wearing red graduation caps and tassels sitting near the Sacred Heart statue. Family members and friends will be bringing their own lawn chairs and practicing social distancing. The children have prepared a short program of prayer and songs. They sing these songs with much gusto!
This year's graduating class is spreading out far and wide as they head to first grade at various Catholic schools. Two students will be attending St. Ambrose School right here on the Hill. Two other students will be going to St. Margaret of Scotland. St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, St. Austin, Immacolata, St. Joseph in Imperial, and St. Pius X in Edgewood Kentucky will each be receiving one of our Villa graduates. We are confident that these ten graduates will continue to thrive and grow at their new schools since they have been given such a great foundation from Sacred Heart Villa. When these children sing the SHV school song one last time, it will be our prayer that they will "stay close to Jesus and His Mother, too, wherever they go, whatever they do." May they "always remember their days at Sacred Heart Villa, the school that we'll love always."