Hunt the Hill!
Join us for a scavenger hunt in our school’s neighborhood. On Saturday, September 26th between 8AM to 10AM, your whole family can participate by either walking or riding around a central portion of the Hill looking for designated spots on the list. Families will need to check in at the Wilson entrance of school to receive the check list and a map of the area of the Hill to explore. You can also grab a donut. Please respect others by social distancing and wearing a mask at check in. Once you find the spot that will be marked with a special sign, the family will take a photo of themselves at this spot to prove they were there. Check that spot off on the list. Navigate around in any order. You might find some surprises along the way! The final spot to find will be somewhere on the Villa’s property. Once this last spot is recorded, you will turn in your completed check list by 10:15AM and receive a prize for participating. At the end of the hunt, a parent will need to email the photos to a specified email address. Families that complete the scavenger hunt will be entered into a drawing to win the experience of spending a morning on the Villa playground with your family on an agreed upon Saturday or Sunday morning. The cost is $10 per family. Forms for participating will be given out through school. Turn in your RSVP by Wednesday, September 23rd. For further information, please contact either Sr. Bridget or Barb Iovaldi .
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