Preparing to Reopen School

Posted on July 20, 2020 in: General News

Preparing to Reopen School

Preparing for Reopening School

What’s been happening at the Villa in July? Ms. Kris, Sr. Alice, Ms. Karen, Enez, Michael and Nikko have been cleaning and preparing the classrooms. Nine classrooms will be transformed to prepare for 10 – 12 children per room for Nursery, PreK and Kindergarten. The two toddler classrooms will have up to eight little ones. To accommodate for fewer children in the rooms, we had to create some new classroom spaces. The Art Room and the children’s dining room have been transformed into classrooms. Since the children will be self-contained in their classrooms, the art room and dining room would be unused. These transformed rooms will provide wonderful spaces for learning for students and teachers. All the classrooms have had some furniture removed and rearranged to provide more open space. More open space in the classrooms will allow the children to nap and work farther apart.

When all is said and done, Sacred Heart Villa will be ready to start its 81st year of educating God’s little ones. We are grateful for all the hard work our staff has been doing. The teachers will soon begin preparing the classroom environments. In a month’s time, the next school year will begin.