Drive “Bye” Parade Ends the School Year on a Happy Note!
What can you do to celebrate the end of this unusual school year? The Villa staff planned a drive ‘bye” parade to give everyone a chance to show their love and warm wishes for a great and safe summer. On Saturday, May 23rd, under a beautiful blue, sunny sky, the staff of Sacred Heart Villa eagerly gathered along the school’s property on Wilson Avenue wearing masks in anticipation of the drive “bye” parade. Their colorful signs expressed how much they missed the children and the families. As lively music resounded from the property, the parents honked their vehicles’ horns past the Villa from 10:00 – 11:00AM. Many cars were decorated with balloons and signs expressing their gratitude to the Villa’s staff. Some families drove past multiple times to see the teachers and staff cheer and wave. Thank you to all of the families that came to see us on Saturday! We love you and miss you so much!
If you did not get a chance to stop by the Villa for our drive “bye” parade, check out our video on Facebook.