Villa Hosts a Virtual Teddy Bear Picnic

Posted on April 26, 2020 in: General News

Villa Hosts a Virtual Teddy Bear Picnic

SHV families and staff had a virtual school wide Teddy Bear Picnic on Friday, 4/24. Since we could not be together with the Villa community for our Spring Activity Day at Berra Park which was scheduled for that day, we decided to have a virtual picnic instead.  We hoped the children would feel a sense of community by virtually sharing this day with their friends and with their Teddy bears or "stuffies" - as the children call them. To build this sense of community, the teachers connected to their classes through Zoom meetings, storytelling by videos and activities like wearing bear ears. Families and staff were encouraged to send in pictures of their picnics so a video could be made and shared through our Facebook and website. The families appreciated having an opportunity to do something to feel connected to the Villa community during this time of separation. There is nothing so comforting as hugging one’s Teddy bear or stuffed animal to feel a sense of security and love, especially in these times when teachers and friends are far away!