Teachers Experienced a Kinship with Nature

Posted on August 06, 2023 in: General News

Teachers Experienced a Kinship with Nature

“If we provide enough space and possibilities for moving freely, then the children will move as well as animals:  skillfully, simply, securely, naturally.” Dr. Emma Pikler

Three of our staff attended a four day conference focused on outdoor learning and the wonders of nature in children’s education. Ms. Cindy, Ms. Patti and Sr. Bridget thoroughly enjoyed their experience at the Leadership Conference sponsored by Nature Explore and The Outdoor Classroom Project in Nebraska City, Nebraska from July 30 – August 2, 2023. The intention of the conference was to bring nature-minded educators together in a collaborative learning environment. There were 18 hours of meaningful, inspirational researched-backed presentations on place base learning outdoors and helping the children to experience a sense of belonging in nature. Our three teachers were especially impressed by the presentation by the team of authors from across the globe on The Environmental Kinship Guide which presented a framework for learning about, in, with, and for the whole of the natural world. In table discussion groups, participants could relate the presentations to their own school’s programs and even their own childhood. Ms. Cindy related: “I loved hearing the anecdotes about how participants related to their own childhood learned experiences and what brought them to where they are now. It connects the dots of showing what we bring to the children now and how it can instill far-reaching conversation and natural benefits.” All three Villa teachers acknowledged that the conference reconnected them to their childhood. At times, the conference felt more like a retreat since there were opportunities for reflection, and introspective time always connected to nature which was so rejuvenating. There were many daily outdoor activities including working with loose parts in nature, drumming rhythms in a circle with 50 people in a field, hiking in the Arbor Day Foundation Farm, and getting soaked in a popup thunderstorm during a reception in a huge tree house! The participants were able to network with people from across the United States, as well as New Zealand, and Scotland.  Most of the educators worked in early childhood centers. This conference truly broadened their understanding of how essential and beneficial it is for children to interact with nature in the outdoor classroom and indoors as well.

Our Villa teachers were able to attend the Leadership Conference due to funding from a grant which covered all their expenses. These three teachers will be presenting an hour recap of the conference for the rest of the teaching staff on August 14th at the Back-to-School Faculty Meeting. We are most grateful that the needed funds were secured so our teachers and aides could be renewed in their dedication to inspire our young students to make discoveries and learn in our school’s certified outdoor classroom and beyond.