This past Thursday, Ms. Karen Jaeger who conducts the Villa’s afternoon performing arts group Little Stars presented “Meet Me on The Hill,” a short children’s musical presentation about life on The Hill. Ms. Karen wrote the script and the songs which described the Italian heritage and many businesses found in the neighborhood of our school, She also included a few Italian eateries found just off The Hill. Twenty-one PreK and Kindergarten Little Stars learned some tongue twisters-like songs. One song listed (almost alphabetically) thirty different businesses which have a connection to Sacred Heart Villa. The children performers wore T shirts or aprons with various businesses logos and some children held onto bags or boxes with the logos. Some children who are actual Hill residents with Italian roots delivered expressive, witty, clever lines which spoke of their pride for their Italian heritage and their love for The Hill. The parents, teachers and younger students were amazed at the wonderful job performed by Ms. Karen’s Little Stars. It was awe-inspiring to see how these children gain self-confidence as they performed so well. We look forward to seeing what Ms. Karen will come up with for her next “Summer Stock” performance.